
About Us

"Felilife.org, an empowering organization, focuses on elevating Russian women through linguistic prowess, while aiding them in discovering, nurturing, and realizing enhanced professional futures. By honing language skills and career potentials, Felilife since 2019 ignites a transformative journey toward brighter horizons."

Professor / Teacher. Enri Scott— Founder & CEO.
Professor / Teacher. Enri Scott— Founder & CEO.

CEO Story

Enri Scott is an American distinguished educator and visionary leader whose career has been marked by an unwavering commitment to fostering excellence and growth in the realm of education. With a remarkable journey spanning over a decade, Enri has continually demonstrated his prowess as a teacher, mentor, and innovator, leaving an indelible mark on the field of international languages, particularly within the intricate landscape of Intl. languages. Diving into his educational foundation,Enri's passion for teaching was honed at Florida International University (FIU), where he graduated with honors in Educational Leadership. This early accomplishment foreshadowed his future contributions to the field. Undoubtedly, his commitment to education was further solidified with a Master's degree in International Languages and Precepts in Geopolitics from the esteemed University of Pennsylvania. This dual expertise not only showcased Enri's dedication to linguistic diversity but also his profound understanding of the geopolitical forces shaping global changes. Finally, with this last university mentioned here, Enri also had the opportunity to train for a year in the international collaboration course '' as selective training'' for foreign doctors and their desire to integrate into medical practice within the United States. (ECFMG headquarters are located in the city of Philadelphia) After that, Enri's relentless pursuit of personal and professional growth led him to further enhance his skills with a Life Coaching course from Udemy, a testament to his holistic approach to education and mentorship. Moreover, his aspiration for continued advancement is evident through his current candidacy for a Ph.D. in International Education at the prestigious University in Munich- Germany. This pursuit of academic excellence showcases his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and his desire to make a lasting impact on the world of education. However, Enri's influence extends far beyond the classroom and academia. He currently stands as the proud CEO of the Russia Felilife.org project, an organization dedicated to empowering Russian women through the development of linguistic skills and professional acumen. With an acute awareness of the challenges faced by these women, whether seeking to enhance their current situations or aspire to opportunities abroad in the United States and Europe, Enri's leadership shines as a beacon of hope and progress. Enri Scott's journey is a testament to his unyielding dedication, boundless expertise, and unshakeable passion for education. Through his multifaceted accomplishments, from his academic achievements to his leadership roles and visionary initiatives, Enri continues to shape the landscape of education and linguistic empowerment. His profound impact on the field of international languages, particularly within the Slavic context, resonates as a testament to his enduring legacy as an educator and leader.

Number Speaks





Countless Results+


What Our Students Have to Say

I can't believe how fast I improved my English at Felilife! The classes were so dynamic and interactive, making learning enjoyable and effective. My teacher Enri was incredibly patient and always willing to clarify any doubts. I went from struggling to speak a few sentences to confidently engaging in conversations within weeks. Felilife's English course exceeded all my expectations! Enri you are the best
Li Ivanova
Курс английского языка от Felilife - настоящий прорыв! Индивидуальный подход и небольшие группы позволили мне получить индивидуальное внимание и сосредоточиться на своих слабостях. Структура курса была хорошо продумана и охватывала все аспекты изучения языка. Я был поражен тем, насколько быстро я продвинулся от новичка до свободного и точного общения на английском языке. Я не могу благодарить Felilife достаточно за этот невероятный опыт обучения.
Anna Volkova
From Saint Petersburg - ENGLISH COURSE
Estoy encantada con el curso de español de esta maravillosa organizacion! Siempre he soñado con vivir en México, pero mi falta de habilidad en español me habia estado deteníendo. ¡Eso fue hasta que encontré Felilife y ahora todo es diferente! El curso estaba bien estructurado, y las lecciones interactivas me mantuvieron comprometida y motivada. En un corto período, mis habilidades lingüísticas se dispararon tremendamnete, pasando de tropezar con frases básicas a expresarme con confianza y solidez, inclusive ahora utilizo algunas frases que algunos nativos de latino america utilizan, estoy enamorada del espanol y quiza quisiera encontrar mi media naranja a futuro para cuando vaya a mexico (nunca se sabe : ). Por cierto 2 los profesores que me tocaron fueron increíblemente solidarios, y el entorno de aprendizaje inmersivo en 100 % español hizo toda la diferencia. ¡Gracias a Felilife, ahora estoy haciendo la cuenta regresiva hasta que pueda vivir mi sueño en México!
Anastasia Kuznetsova
from Yekaterinburg - SPANISH COURSE
Finding a tech job in Europe was always my goal, but the process seemed overwhelming. That's when I discovered this job landing course, and it was a turning point in my career! The course not only provided me with step-by-step instructions on job searching but also taught me about the intricacies of immigration processes and credential recognition. Armed with this knowledge, I felt empowered and confident throughout my job hunt. Felilife's personalized career guidance was instrumental in helping me secure a tech position in France. I can't express my gratitude enough – thanks to Felilife, my dream of working in Europe has come true.
Sofía Zakharova